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We Fulfil Your Expectations

We’re here so you can travel with maximum safety, comfort and ease!

Fully Sanitised

We work with a professional cleaning agency to disinfect and sanitize our buses before each trip


We understand how precious your time is, and we intend to keep it that way


Our fleet comprises of the best vehicles so you can have a relaxing and comfortable ride


Drivers are thoroughly screened before every trip.

24/7 Support

Our Support Squad is always available for your needs through the course of your journey

Our Story

Aya Travel has been established since 2005. So Aya Travel is the first and most trusted Bandung-Depok travel, known for its safe and comfortable service. Currently, Aya Travel is opening a new route, namely Bandung-Bogor. In addition to travel, Aya Travel also provides delivery services. cargo packages and car rental.

The Aya Travel fleet is always running and in excellent condition, with a large selection of departure times, making it easier for passengers who want to travel with Aya Travel.

In the current pandemic situation, Aya Travel applies health protocols in its operations. Vehicles are routinely cleaned with disinfectant, our staff and passengers are required to wear masks, and seats are spaced apart.


We offer the best amenities to make our passenger's journey more pleasant

Reading Lights

Airconditioned Vehicles

Reclining Seat

Kebutuhan Perjalanan Anda, Prioritas Kami

Kami di sini agar Anda dapat bepergian dengan keamanan, kenyamanan, dan kemudahan maksimal!


Ketahui lokasi real-time bus Anda dengan sekali klik!


akan menyediakan makanan ringan

Emergency Exit

Pintu keluar darurat untuk evakuasi Anda yang aman dan terjamin.

Komentar Pelanggan Medali Mas

Pelanggan Medali Mas tahu yang terbaik dan kami tidak bisa lebih setuju!


Tentang kami

Selama perjalanan kami lebih dari 40 tahun, PT Medali Mas Transportasi telah menerima berbagai penghargaan dari Kementerian Perhubungan atas kualitas layanan yang kami berikan kepada pelanggan kami, misalnya sebagai perusahaan angkutan umum dengan layanan terbaik, agen bus pariwisata terbaik dan banyak lagi. Pelayanan terbaik sangat penting bagi kami karena kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas nomor satu kami.
Visi kami
Menjadi perusahaan transportasi darat yang unggul dalam kualitas dan pelayanan untuk kepuasan pelanggan dan kesejahteraan karyawan. .
misi kita:
1. Memberikan pelayanan prima untuk kepuasan pelanggan dengan menerapkan Panca Pesona (5K) PT Medali Mas Transportation yang meliputi : Keamanan, Kenyamanan, Ketepatan, Keterjangkauan, dan Kekeluargaan.
2. Menyediakan sarana dan prasarana yang didukung oleh teknologi informasi yang handal. Menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Mutu yang didukung oleh Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas.

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9Promises the Adibuzz Team Can Make You

The Most Affordable Way To klia2 and Back

You willl not find a cheaper way to get to klia2, and back. Well, unless you walk, But...

Working AC In Every Bus

Every Bus has working AC to keep you cool, because you know, Malasia is kind warm all day, every day.

Friendly, Responsive, English Speaking Staff

And if it's too cold for you, Just ask your driver to turn the AC down a notch, Our staff is highly responsive, friendly, and speaks English well.

Customer Support

And int he rare case your driver has a bad day and isn't as responsive as you'd hope, You can always call our Customer Support Hotline and we'll address your Issues Immediately

30% More Legroom

You will also not find a more comfortable bus to get KLIA2 and back, because in every bus you have 30% more leg room compared to our competitors

Free WiFi (Comming Soon)

And not only that, also there's free Wi-Fi on every bus, So you can either sit back, relax and connect with your friends, or you can get that important email out before you take off.

Timely & Reliable

While you relax and enjoy the bus journey, we'll make sure you reach your destination in time. All buses follow a strict schedule.

Safety Is Our Main Concern

You don't have to worry about your safety, We comply with all safety regulations you can possibly imagine, and every bus is provided with speed limit Buzzers and GPS tracking to ensure your wellbeing

Regular Promotions & Offers

Besides this you get to enjoy regular promotions and special offers and if you're a regular customer make sure to let us know, so we can get you an even better deal.

We’ll let our numbers talk

Our vision is supported by our partners all over Indonesian






Daily Riders


Average rating on
Redbus & Paytm

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